PADI Discover Scuba Diving - Pool Session Only - £50
The PADI Discover Scuba program lets you experience the thrill of diving under the supervision of a PADI professional and in the safe confines of a swimming pool. During your session you will :
Go over the scuba equipment you use to dive and how easy it is to move around underwater with your gear.
Find out what it’s like to breathe underwater.
Learn key skills that you’ll use during every scuba dive.
Have fun swimming around and exploring.
Hear about becoming a certified diver through the PADI Open Water Diver course
This session costs £45 and includes your instruction fees, all of your scuba diving equipment for the session and registration with PADI as a DSD Participant - all you need is your swimming costume and towel!
We run our pool sessions on most Wednesday evenings, and can accommodate your Discover Scuba Diving Session most times. No previous experience is required, but divers should be in reasonably good health (please request the PADI DSD medical form if you are unsure)
The session consists of an introduction to diving by the pool as the instructor sets up your equipment. Then you have the chance to try scuba diving, first on the surface, then in the shallow end. If you are feeling brave you may also venture into the deep end under your PADI professional diver's supervision. This gives you the perfect chance to experience the adventure of diving under safe and controlled guidance.
Please contact SCUBA DIVING SCOTLAND or click on the link to reserve your space in the pool now!
Please Note: Costs are non-refundable but you may reschedule, without additional cost, if you provide a minimum of 48 hours notice.
Who should try this experience?
Have you always wondered what it’s like to breathe underwater? If you want to try scuba diving, but aren’t quite ready to take the plunge into a certification course, Discover Scuba Diving is for you. PADI dive shops offer this program either in a pool, off a beach or from a dive boat. You can try scuba close to home or while you’re on vacation at a dive destination. While not a scuba certification course, Discover Scuba Diving is a quick and easy introduction to what it takes to explore the underwater world.
To sign up for a PADI Discover Scuba Diving experience, you must be at least 10 years old. No prior experience with scuba diving is necessary, but you need to be in reasonable physical health.
What will you learn?
You learn the basic safety guidelines and skills needed to dive under the direct supervision of a PADI Professional. If you make an open water dive, you’ll practice a few more skills in shallow water to prepare for your adventure. Get ready to:
- Go over the scuba equipment you use to dive and how easy it is to move around underwater with your gear.
- Find out what it’s like to breathe underwater.
- Learn key skills that you’ll use during every scuba dive.
- Have fun swimming around and exploring.
- Hear about becoming a certified diver through the PADI Open Water Diver course.
How can you start learning now?
Simply click on the 'BUY NOW' button and start your journey!
What scuba gear will you use?
Your PADI Pro will likely provide all the basic scuba gear you’ll use including a mask, snorkel, fins, regulator, buoyancy control device, dive gauges and a tank.
Next Step
Breathing underwater for the first time is thrilling, so don’t wait.
- Download the PADI Discover Scuba® Diving Participant Statement (pdf).
- Sign up for Open Water Diver Online and to start your training to become a certified diver.
- Enroll in a PADI Open Water Diver course.
- Read the scuba certification FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).
- Browse the PADI Course Catalog.
Booking & Cancellations T&C's
- All course fees are non-refundable or transferrable. Sessions must be completed within 6 months of purchase. To book please email or call to check availability then pay to confirm your session online. Please note that bookings are not confirmed until payment has been made. You'll receive a confirmation email with the details of your session. By purchasing online you agree to these T&C's.
- For any participants under the age of 18, there must be a parent or guardian present during any sessions to comply with our Child Protection Policy.
- Once you have confirmed your date, if you need to cancel at any time please email or call as soon as possible. Cancellations with more than 48 hours notice can be rescheduled free of charge. However, cancellations within this time mean that we still have costs that can't be refunded. For this reason, no rescheduled sessions can be given for cancellations with less than 48 hours notice.