Aqualung WAVE BCD
You’re ready for every adventure and unexpected situation with the Wave BCD: its fade-resistant ResisteK material is rugged and durable to resist fading and abrasion. This entry-level, wrap-around, jacket-style BCD has a sweet new look.
The Wave is an entry level, wrap-around jacket style BC. It has a legacy of being rugged and fade-resistant but now it offers so much more. You now get a stylish BC that has the clever ability to add an optional weight-integration system!
You can dive it in its standard form using a weight belt. It’s versatile, it’s rugged, it’s sharp, it’s a Wave.The Wave comes in 8 sizes and one colour combination.
- New Color: New yellow color for better visibility underwater
- ResisteK Material:Looks good and stays that way: made of new, technologically advanced ResisteK material to resist fading and abrasion in salt water and chlorine
- Backpack Handle:Easy to carry: proprietary backpack has a built-in handle
- Octo Pockets:Three octo-pocket locations for versatile, functional stowage that suits your preferences
- Pull Dump:Easy-to-spot right shoulder pull dump has a highly visible orange pull bob.